University of Virginia Library

Cowardly Council

Dear Sir:

In his letter, "Council is racist,"
Mr. Caperton makes a case for
the council's "dishonorable" and
"immoral" action in tabling the
non-segregation rule. He accuses
the council of being racist. If the
Student Council was racist as Mr.
Caperton suggests, the Student
Body would have reason to wage
a healthy "fight," and we would
probably win the day. But the
council (its majority) does not
have the gumption to be racist,
nor the imagination to implement
its (would be) convictions.

They are complacent, not active;
they are opinionated, not educated;
and they are not deliberative and
thoughtful at all; they are merely
frail cowards who can be made
to act by the responsible Student

Barry Rosenberg
Graduate A&S