University of Virginia Library

Mr. Blackburn

Dear Sir:

I was aghast to read the "Mr.
Blackburn" editorial in the Dec.
1 CD. This editorial pointed out
that Mr. Blackburn, among other
attributes, is "a gentleman in
every sense of the word." In fact,
from his description in the
editorial he seemed to epitomize
the "Jeffersonian ideal" of what
a Virginia gentleman should be,
an ideal which finds some of its
most ardent advocates on the editorial
staff of this newspaper. It
warmed the cockles of my heart
to know that this fine chap is the
mentor and spiritual guide of the
Cavalier football team.

But hark! The editorial goes on
to say that it would be better
if Blackburn were less of a Virginia
gentleman and more of a
hard-hitting, no-holds-barred,
game-winning football coach.

Could it be that one detects a
bit of the despised "Rah Rah!"
spirit insidiously infiltrating this
bastion of cultured sophistication?
Is The Cavalier Daily falling prey
to creeping "State Uism?" If
we sacrifice gentlemanly ideals for
"winning big time football
games," what next? A big band??
(Alas!) Homecoming parades??
(Oh dread!) Pom Pom girls??
(Horrors!) A good basketball team
(No, no, a thousand times no!)

Students at Virginia unite! Rally
round the Rotunda. Lynch the infidel
sports editor who dares
suggest a break from the good
old, gentlemanly, losing tradition
Down with ungentlemanly conduct!
Down with a good football
teams! Down with good times
like they have at State U's. Up
with Tradition! Be staid, sedate,
gentlemanly, and conservative at
all times, Make the "T. Braxton
Woody Award" a national institution!
And above all, never
admit, not even in your most
impetuous moments (if you are so
gauche as to have impetuous moments)
that The University of
Virginia really is A STATE U!

Craig Bradley
Law 1