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The President made reference to the resolution of the Board adopted at the meeting of
June 13, 1964, ratifying and approving the action of Judge Wayne G. Borah in executing on
behalf of the University of Virginia two agreements to sell to the City of New Orleans, two
strips or parcels of land for the purpose of widening Poydras Street in said City, and
reported that Judge Borah had now requested approval of his actions in executing an Act of
Sale (Deed) on behalf of the University, dated July 20, 1964, conveying to the City of New Orleans,
the two strips or parcels of land in question bordering on Poydras Street, and in receiving on
behalf of the University, check of the City of New Orleans, in the sum of $38,308 09, being
the proportionate share of the University in the proceeds of sale of the two strips of land
to the City of New Orleans.

After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the actions of the Honorable Wayne G. Borah, in executing on behalf of the
University of Virginia, an Act of Sale, dated July 20, 1964, conveying to the City of New Orleans
an undivided one-third interest in and to a certain portion of ground situated in the First
District of the City of New Orleans, designated as parts of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, and 4
Square 230, bounded by Poydras, Carroll, Perdido and Carondelet Streets, and more particularly
described in the Act of Sale, and in receiving on behalf of the University of Virginia, check
of the City of New Orleans in the sum of $38,308 09, as consideration for such conveyance, be
and the same are hereby, approved, ratified and confirmed.