University of Virginia Library


Classification as a Virginia Student - In order to be considered a Virginia student for any
given semester, it is necessary that the applicant shall have been domiciled in the State of
Virginia for at least one year immediately preceding the beginning of that semester, and the
applicant or his parents must have been bona fide taxpayers to the State of Virginia for the
calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year of registration.

Residence in the State for the purpose of securing an education does not qualify an individual
for classification as a Virginia student.

Payment of Fees - All fees and room rent are payable at the office of the Bursar. No student
is permitted to complete registration or to attend classes until all fees are paid. Fees for
each semester are due and payable at the time of registration.

In exceptional cases, the student may sign a contract for semester charges permitting payments
as follows

First Semester - After applying required deposits, one-third of the balance at the
time of registration, one-third on 3 November, one-third on 3 December.

Second Semester - one-third at the time of registration, one-third on 3 March, one-third
on 3 April.

A student who fails to meet payments when due, but who pays his fees on or before the fifteenth
of the month in which payment is due, is charged a service fee of $1.00. A student who
fails to meet payments by the fifteenth of the month in which payment is due will be automatically
suspended and may not attend classes until he has been officially reinstated and has paid all
accrued fees and a reinstatement fee of $5.00.

A student suspended for failure to meet payments when due may not be reinstated for the
semester after two weeks from the date of suspension. Applications for reinstatement are to be
made at the office of the Bursar.

Return of Fees - A student withdrawing within five days after registration shall have his
tuition and fees refunded in full except for the medical fee, which is not refundable, and the
sum of $10 to cover cost of registration. If he withdraws voluntarily after the fifth day of
the semester and before the middle thereof, his fees other than the medical fee shall be refunded
pro rata. No refund of room rent shall be made. If the student is required to withdraw from
the University at any time during the semester, or if he withdraws voluntarily after the middle
thereof, no refund of tuition and fees for that semester shall be made.

Part-time Fees - Students taking only one subject pay one-third of the regular tuition fee,
plus the library building, medical, University Union, and student activities fees. Students
taking only two subjects pay one-half of the regular tuition fee, plus all additional fees.
Students taking more than two courses are considered full-time students and pay all tuition and
auxiliary fees

Students not in residence at the University who wish to return to take an examination or
receive a degree pay a $5.00 tuition fee for that semester and are exempt from all other fees.

Transcript Fee - A fee of $1.00 is charged for each transcript of record.

ROTC Deposit and Fee - Students enrolled in Army and Air Force ROTC programs are required to
make a deposit of $20 on their uniforms and textbooks. At the end of each session, when uniforms
and books are returned to the Supply Room, the deposit will be refunded if all items are turned

A ROTC Unit Student Activity Fee not exceeding $5.00 may be collected at the discretion of
the Unit Commander.

Replacement of Diploma - Candidates for degrees who fail to complete requirements at the
specified time and for whom a new diploma must be engrossed for a later graduation will pay a fee
of $10 for such diploma.

The cost of replacing a lost or destroyed diploma is $10.