University of Virginia Library


The school is managed and controlled through the agency
of the County Court of Albemarle. The Court appoints
"annually, two intelligent, respectable, and well-educated gentlemen,"
whose duty it is to select and employ, whenever necessary,
competent and suitable teachers for the school (subject
to the approval of the County Court), and to visit the school
quarterly, examine into its condition minutely, and make written
report thereof to the Court.

Judge John L. Cochran, in 1874, assumed the duties which
the law places upon the County Court of Albemarle. In
July, 1874, he appointed as visitors, Col. Chas. S. Venable
and Prof. Francis H. Smith, of the University of Virginia.
Judge Hezekiah Taylor was elected to the office of County


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Court Judge in January, 1880. In July, 1880, he appointed
Col. Chas. S. Venable and Rev. John T. Randolph Visitors to
the school. In July, 1883, Col. Venable resigned and Prof.
Francis H. Smith was appointed in his place. In January,
1886, Judge John M. White, having been elected to the office
of County Court Judge, assumed the duties of the same. He
appointed at the following August term of the Court as Visitors,
Prof. Francis H. Smith, of the University of Virginia,
and Mr. Thomas S. Martin, of Scottsville, Va.