University of Virginia Library

Summer Sights In Charlottesville


Ah, Justice, wo bist du? This time last
year, the poor canine shown here could at
least have run ahead of his plodding owner to
a dry shelter in Cabell Hall. But now, with the
gentlemen in blue on the watch for felonious
unleashed hounds, Canis is denied even this
freedom. Yet there is still hope. We hear a
church in California is now offering canines as
well as humans a crack at bliss eternal.

Well, well, what have we
here? A tree surgeon's daughter
making up for Daddy's poor
bedside manner?A disciple of
Rousseau' snoozing on the
Lawn? No indeed. You see
here an innocent victim of last
year's admissions policies. This
poor lass found her triple room
insufferable and slipped away,
like a distaff Captain Flume, to
spend September in the woods
behind Watson House.
Hopefully she was back when
Winter came.


Behold – the ten millionth
family group to pose on the
Rotunda steps this week.
