University of Virginia Library

From Rev. Leonard Woods, D.D.,
Professor of Theology in the Theological
Seminary at Andover.

As I understand that you have it in
contemplation to publish a new edition of
the several works on Mental Philosophy
by Professor Upham, I take the liberty
to say, that I regard them as among the
best and most popular works on the various
subjects which he has treated. He
is a charming writer, and his views are
well expressed and well guarded, and
are adapted to be extensively useful at
the present day. His Abridgment is
very much liked by those teachers who
have used it. Mr. Coleman, principal
of the High School, or, as it is called, the
Teachers' Seminary, in this place, says
he finds it much more intelligible to
young men, and much more complete,
than any text-book he has used.
And his judgment is worthy of confidence.
The next edition is to receive still
farther improvements. I hope you will
be encouraged and sustained in this undertaking
by a very extensive patronage
from an enlightened community

Yours respectfully,

Leonard Woods.