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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the Comprehensive Fee be and it is hereby modified and approved as indicated:
    Current 1974-75  Proposed 1975-76 1976-77  Proposed 1977-78 
    Pledged for amortization of bond issue for University Hall  $ 15.00  $ 15.00 
    Pledged for amortization of bond issue for library structure  7.00  7.00  2.00 
    University Transit  12.00  12.00 
    Pledged to amortize a loan for remodeling Newcomb Hall  5.00  5.00 
    Faculty TIAA  70.00  110.00 
    Athletics  25.00  25.00  30.00 
    Student Health  60.00  60.00 
    University Union  14.00  14.00 
    University Union Programs  5.00  5.00 
    Class Affiliation  4.00  4.00 
    Pledged for amortization of Recreational Facilities  10.00 
    ----------  ---------- 
    $217.00  $267.00