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Bucaniers of America:

containing the dangerous voyage and bold attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others; performed upon the coasts of the South Sea, for the space of two years, &c. from the original journal of the said voyage

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The Bucaniers arrive at a place incognito, unto
which they give the name of
the Duke of Yorks
Islands. A description of the said Islands, and
of the Gulf, or
Lagoon, wherein they lie, so far
as it was searched. They remain there many
days by stress of weather, not without great dangers
of being lost. An account of some other
things remarkable that hapned there.

WEdnesday, October the 12th. All the night before
this day we had many high winds. I reckoned an
E. S. E. way, and twenty leagues; for our vessel drove at
a great rate. Moreover, that we were in Lat. 50 D. 50 S.
So that our Easting from Paita by my account ought to
be one hundred and one leagues, or thereabouts.

This morning about two hours before day, we hapned

They see land
before day, and
are miraculously
by great accident to espie land. It was the great mercy
of God, which had always attended us in this Voyage, that
saved us from perishing at this time; for we were close ashoar
before we saw it; and our fore-yard, which we most
needed in this occasion, was taken down. The land we
had seen was very high and towering; and here appeared
to be many Islands scattered up and down. We steered in
with what caution we could, between them and the Main,
and at last, God be praised, arrived at a place or rather Bay,
where we perceived our selves to be land-lockt, and as we
thought pretty safe from the danger of those tempestuous
Seas. From hence we sent away our Canoa to sound and
search the fittest place for anchoring. At this time one
One of their
men drowned.
of our men, named Henry Shergall, as he was going into
our sprit-sail top, hapned to fall into the water, and was


Page 179
drowned before any help could be had unto him, though
we endeavoured it as much as we possibly could. This accident
several of our company did interpret as a bad Omen
of the place; which proved not so, through the providence
of the Almighty, though many dangers were not wanting
here unto us, as I shall relate.

We came to an anchor in the depth of forty fathom Wa-

They came to
an anchor.
ter, more or less, and yet at no greater distance than a
stones cast from shoar. The water where we anchored was
very smooth, and the high lands round about all covered
with snow. Having considered the time of the year, and
all other circumstances, we resolved, that in case we could
find a sufficient stock of provisions here, we would stay the
They resolve to
stay here.
longer, that is, until Summer came, or something more,
before we prosecuted our intended Voyage homewards
through the Straights of Magallanes; which now we began
to be careful how to find. That day of our anchoring
in this Bay, we shot six or eight brave Geese, and
They kill Geese
and Fowls.
some smaller fowl besides. Here we found also many hundreds
of Mussel-banks; all which were very plentifully
stockt with that kind of fish. We buryed our dead man
on the shoar, giving him several Volleys for his FuneralRites,
according to the custom. In the night of this day our
anchor came home, so that we were forced to let go a
grapling to secure our selves. But still every flaw of wind
They are in
drove us. Hereupon we set our sprit-sail, and ran about a
mile into another Bay, where we let go another anchor,
and thus anchored again. The first anchor, which was also
the biggest in our ship, we lost by this accident, the cable
being cut by the rocks. Unto these Islands afore-mentioned
our Captain gave the name of His Royal Highness the
Duke of
Yorks Islands.

Thursday, October the 13th. This day we began to moor

They moor
their vessel.
our ship, she driving as we easily could perceive with every
flaw of wind that blew. The tide floweth here full
seven foot up and down. We moored our Vessell into a
rockey point, being a key whereof there be many in the


Page 180
circumference of this Bay. The ground of the bottom of
the said Bay we found was hard and sandy, being here and
there rockey. This evening we brought on board great
store of Lamperts, of which we made a kettle of broath,
that contained more than all our company could eat.

On Friday October the 14th, we killed several Geese.
As also many of another sort of Fowl like unto an Eagle,

A strange seafowl.

but having a bigger beak, with their nostrils rising from
the top of the middle of their beak by a hand trunk.
This Fowl liveth on Fish, but we saw none. Yesterday
in the evening there fell a great fleet of snow on the hills,
round about the Bay, but none where we were at anchor.
Multitudes of
Lamperts and
Moreover, this day in the evening we caught Lamperts in
great quantity, being three times as many as we could eat.
Our men in ranging the Keys for Game, found grass plaited
above a fathom long, and a knot tyed at the end thereof.
In like manner on other Keys they found Mussels and
Lampert shells. From these things we presently conclu-
They find tokens
of the
ded, that these Countries were inhabited, and that some Indians
or others were to be found hereabouts.

Saturday October the 15th, in the night last past we had

Another storm.
much rain, with large hail-stones. About midnight the
wind came to North with such great fury, that the Tree unto
which our Cable was fastned on shoar, gave way, and
came up by the Roots. All those gusts of wind were mixt
with violent storms of rain and hail. Thus we fastned again
unto other trees. But here it hapned, that our ship
coming up to the shoar, our Rudder toucht, and thereupon
broke our Goose-neck. Great was now our extremity,
They are in
great danger.
and greater it will be, if God send not better weather.
Scarce a minute now passed without flaws of wind and

Sunday October the 16th, all the night past was rainy, as

Much rain.
before. About nine of the clock our biggest harser gave
way and brake. All this day likewise we had rain with several
showers of hail, and but little wind to westward of
the North.


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Munday October the 17th, all last night until five this
morning, it ceased not to rain. Then until ten it snowed.
On the hills it snowed all the night long. This day we

Tracts of people.

hanted on the shoar many tracts of people hereabouts,
but could find none hitherto, they having fled and concealed
themselves for fear of us, as we supposed.

October the 18th. In the night past we had much rain
and hail. But the day was very clear. Hereupon we
made an observation, which gave us Lat. 50 D. 40 S.
Moreover, this day we had pretty warm weather.

October the 19th. Both a clear and frosty night the last
past. This day was hasey, and something windy from
the North quarter. Every day we had plenty of Lamperts,
and Mussels of a very large size.

October the 20th. The night past was rainy, and this

Another storm.
day windy, with very great gusts of wind at N. N. W. until
the afternoon. Then we had wind at N. W. being very
fresh and in gusts.

October the 21st. All the night past was tempestuous,

Which continueth.

with huge gusts of wind and showers of hail. Yesterday
in the evening we carried a cable ashoar, and fastned it
unto a tree. This being done, at midnight our biggest
cable broke in the middle. Towards morning we had
New dangers.
much snow. In the day, great gusts of wind with large
hail stones, and also great plenty of Lamperts.

October the 22d. Last night we had strange gusts of
wind from N. W. together with much hail and rain. This
day we killed a Penguin; and also began to carry water on


October the 23d. All the twenty four hours last past

Much rain still
we had much rain. The wind was but little at W. and
W. S. W.

October the 24th. All this time until noon nothing but
rain. At that time it held up fair for the space of half an
hour, or thereabouts, and then it rained again all the rest of
the day.


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October the 25th. All this while we had not one minute
fair. Towards evening it held up from raining, but
the weather was cloudy, and withal much warmer than

Warm weather.
when we came hither at first.

Wednesday, October the 26th. All the night past, and
this forenoon, we had fair weather. But after noon it

rained again. We found Cockles like unto those we have
in England.

A new storm.
Thursday, October the 27th. In the night past we had
much rain, with very great gusts of wind, lasting for the
whole space thereof. Yet notwithstanding, this day proved
to be the fairest that we ever had since we came into
this place. In the evening of this day, our Canoa which
was gone to search the adjacent places for Indians, or what
else they could find, returned unto the ship, with a Doree at
her stern. They had gone, as it should seem, beyond the
old Bay where we first anchored, and thereabouts hapned
They take a
Doree and one
His habit.
to meet with this Doree. In it were three Indians, who
perceiving themselves nigh being taken, leapt over-board
to make their escape. Our men in pursuing them did
unadvisedly shoot one of them dead. A second, being a
woman, escaped their hands. But the third, who was a
lusty boy about eighteen years of age, was taken, and him
they brought on board the ship. He was covered onely
with a Seals skin, having no other cloathing about him:
His eyes were squinted, and his hair was cut pretty short.
In the middle of the Doree they had a fire burning either
for dressing of victuals, or some other use. The Doree it
self was built sharp at both ends, and flat bottom'd. They
had a net to catch Penguins, and a club like unto our bandies,
called by them a Tomahunks. His Language we could not
understand, but withal he pointed up the Lagoon, giving
us to understand, that there were more people thereabouts.
This was confirmed by our men, who also said they had
seen more. They had Darts to throw against an Eenemy
pointed with wood.


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On the next day, being October the 28th, in the evening

They search for
more people, but
find none.
our Canoa went from the ship again to seek for more Indians.
They went into several Lagoons, and searched them
narrowly. But they could find nothing else than two or
three Huts; all the Natives being fled before our arrival.
In the evening they returned unto the ship, bringing with
them very large Lamperts, and also Mussels which were
Huge Mussels.
six inches and an half long. Our Indian prisoner could
open Mussels these with his fingers, which our men could
not so hreadily do with their knives. Both the night past
and this day we ad very fair weather.

On the 29th we had in like manner a very fair day, and
also a smooth wind at S. S. E. Our Indian this day pointed
unto us, that there were men in this Country, or not
far off from hence, with great beards. He appeared unto
us by his actions to be very innocent and foolish. But by
his carriage I was also perswaded that he was a Man-eater.
This day likewise we caught Lamperts enough to suffice
us for the morrow.

Sunday, October the 30th. This day was fair, and there
blew a small S. S. E. wind. In the morning we sent a

They can find
neither provisions

Canoa over to the Eastward-shore, to seek either for provisions
or Indians. I my self could not go, as I desired, being
with two or three more, at that time very much
tormented with the Gripes. I am perswaded that this place
where we now were, is not so great an Island as some Hydrographers
do lay it down, but rather an Archipelago of
smaller Islands. We saw this day many Penguins, but they
were so shie, that we could not come near them. They
pad on the water with their wings very fast, but their bodies
are too heavy to be carried by the said wings. The
Sun now made the weather very warm, insomuch that the
warm weather
snow melted apace.

October the 31st. Both last night and this day were
very fair. At noon our Canoa returned from the
Eastern shoar, bringing word they had found several good
Bays and Harbours, that were deep even close unto the


Page 184
shoar. Onely that there lay in them several suncken
Rocks, the which we had also where we were. But these
Rocks are not dangerous to shipping, by reason they have
weeds which lye two fathoms in circumference about them.
This morning blew a small wind at N.N.E.

November the first, this day was also fair, and we had a
small wind as before, at N.N.E.

November the second, last night I took the Polar distance
of the South star of the Cocks foot, and found it to be
28 d. 25. I observed also the two Magallan Clouds, of
which I made mention in this Journal before, and found
them to be as followeth, viz. the lesser 14 d. 05. and the
greater 14 d. 25. The morning of this day we hoysted
an end our top-masts, and also brought too a Main-topsail,
and Fore-sail, and finished our filling all the water we
needed. At the same time the wind hung Easterly, and I
was still much tormented with the Gripes as before.

November the third, this morning we hanged our Rud-

They make ready
to depart.
der, the greatest piece of work we had to do, after those
violent storms above-mentioned. In the afternoon we
halled in our two biggest Harsers; and also our biggest
Cable from the shoar. For the three days last past we had
a very great and dark fog between us and the Eastward
shoar. We had now very little wind in the Cove where
we were, but abroad at sea there blew at the same time a
stiff gale at S.S.E. Moreover, we could perceive now, the
stormy weather being blown over, much small fry of fish
about the ship, whereof we could see none, as was mentioned
before. This day we had a very clear and calme evening.

November the fourth, both all last night and this day we

Calme weather
had very calme weather. And this morning a small
breeze sprang up at N. and N.N.E. which afterwards wheeled
about unto S. and S.S.E. This morning we hoisted
our Main and Fore-yards; and likewise fetcht off from
the shoar our other harser and Cable, into the depth of eleven
fathom water. Our resolutions were now changed


Page 185
for a departure, in order to seek the mouth of the Straights
of Magallanes, seeing that we could not winter here, for
want of Provisions, which we could not find either on the
Continent, or about these Islands afore-mentioned. The
weather now was very warm, or rather hot, and the Birds
did sing as sweetly as those in England. We saw here both
Thrushes and Black birds, and many other sorts of those
that are usually seen in our own Country.

Saturday November the fifth, this morning brought us a

They sail away.
wind at N.N.E. hereupon, we warped unto a rocky point,
thereby to get out of the Cove where we lay. For our anchor
came home unto us as we were carrying our Warp
out. At this time a second breeze came up very fresh in
our stern; so that we took the opportunity thereof, and
went away before it. By noon this day we hoisted in our
Canoas, and also turned away loose unto the sea our Indian
As for the Indian boy whom we had taken in said
Doree, we kept him still prisoner, and called him Orson. Our
Cove at our departure from this place, looked thus, as I
took then the description thereof. When we were come
out into the Channel, the weather grew stark calme. Only
now and then we had a small breeze, sometimes from
one quarter, and then from another. By this slackness of
wind we observed, that the Current hoisted us to the Southward.
On the East-side of this Lagoon, we perceived the
Indians to make a great smoak at our departure.


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We had a very fair day till six in the evening, when we
got without the mouth of the Gulf, it blew so hard, that
in an hour it forced us to hand our top-sails. Having now
a fit gale at N. W. and N.N W. we stood S. W. by W. to
clear our selves of some breaks which lye four Leagues
from the Gulfs mouth at S. and S. S. E. Hereabouts we
saw many riffs and rocks, which occasioned us to stand
close halled. I have drawn here and given unto my Reader,
so much as I have seen of the Gulf it self; the rest
must be compleated in due time by them, that have greater
opportunities of making a farther search into it, then I
had at the time of our stay here under such tempestuous
weather, as I have described, and the distemper which
hung upon me at the same time.


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