University of Virginia Library


The classes in drawing are planned to give the teachers of the
primary, grammar and high school grades and supervisors of drawing,
a practical knowledge of drawing as now taught in the most
modern and progressive schools. The purpose will be to give not
only facility in representation but to teach the fundamentals that
underlie design, composition, pictorial and imaginative drawing.
More emphasis will be placed on composition than on representation
and every step will be taken up in turn and definite ways suggested
for use in the school room with each lesson.

An attempt will be made to suit the courses to the needs of all
applicants and especially to the needs of those teachers who fancy
they can not draw.

A special art certificate will be given to those who complete the
course here outlined which will certify that the holder is competent
to do supervisors work.

Drawing 1.—For teachers of grades from one to four, inclusive.
This is so arranged that the lessons will be in progressive order,
following as closely as possible the development of the child. The
classes will be conducted in the following manner: First, the careful
explanation of design, its intent and processes: Second, an exhibition
of fine examples of work by teachers and children who


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have already taken the course: Third, processes carried out by the
class under the supervision of instructors.

First Year—First and Second Grade.

Second Year—Third and Fourth Grade.

Section I. First and Second Grade. Daily, from 9:30 to 10:30.
Miss Barringer. Mechanical Laboratory, Room 2.

Section II. Third and Fourth Grade. Mr. Blair. Daily, from 2:30
to 3:30. Mechanical Laboratory, Room 2.

Drawing 2.—For teachers of grades from five to eight inclusive,
will supplement Course 1—the lessons being the continuation of that
course. The course will be conducted in the same manner—explanation
of the meaning of the design, then good examples of the
work done by teachers and children will be shown, then the class
will work out each problem.

Fifth grade, design for rug (color, charcoal), still life (light and
dark), landscape (light and dark color), illustration of home industry.

Sixth Grade: Wood block printing, nature drawing (light and
dark), design for home utensils, design colored, simple illustration
with figures.

Seventh grade: Beginning perspective, still life group (light and
dark three tones), exercise in arrangement. Eighth grade: Landscape
(three tones, charcoal), lettering (ink and color), book-making,
end page for above in color, posters (one, two and three colors).

Daily, from 8:30 to 9:30. Miss O'Keefe. Mechanical Laboratory,
Room 1.

Drawing 3.—For teachers of high schools. It supplements
Courses 1 and 2 and aims to give the teachers a few simple problems
that will when worked out give the students not only some
dexterity of hand but give them real appreciation of the fine things
about them. The conduct of the class will be the same as 1 and 2—
the explanation, exhibition of work actually done by high school
students, carrying out the operation described.

Daily, from 9:30 to 10:30. Miss O'Keefe. Mechanical Laboratory,
Room 1.

Drawing 4.—The class in pure design is for those teachers who
have completed the work in the grades, those who are required to
teach design, those who wish to do special work in decoration, or
those who find themselves weak in that department of the general
course. Its aim is to give a complete understanding of the principles
of design, etc., practical application of the design to the material
in which it is to be reproduced, and the technical skill necessary
to render the design. Three times a week, Monday, Wednesday
and Thursday.

Method of Supervision.—For supervisors of drawing, and for
those who have had experience in the elementary grades and wish
to specialize in drawing. The aim of this course is to deal with
problems of supervision, the arrangement of a course of study, lesson
plans, type lessons, selection of material, etc. Twice a week,
Tuesday and Thursday.

Daily, from 3:30 to 5:30. Miss O'Keefe. Mechanical Laboratory,
Room 2.

Drawing 5.—For the teachers of ungraded schools and aims to
give them as much training in the fundamental principles that underlie


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Courses 1, 2 and 3 as the time will permit. The teacher will
be given in a condensed form the sequence in all the grades. Each
step will be explained and demonstrated by the instructor, but only
the most important one will be carried out in class. An attempt
will be made to study the needs of the individual teacher. This
course prepares for the state examination. Atkinson, Mintzer & Co.'s
drawing books (adopted by the state).

Daily, from 3:30 to 4:30. For four weeks beginning June 20th—
Mr. Blair, Mechanical Laboratory, Room 1.

6. Costume Design.—This course in Costume Design is planned
for teachers of Fine or Domestic Art. It includes studies in line,
tone and color in the original designs for costume becoming and
appropriate to the individual. Knowledge of drawing is not required.
A brief course in History of Costume if included.

Daily, from 10:30 to 11:30. Miss Barringer. Mechanical Laboratory,
Room 1.

7. Interior Decoration.—Course for teachers, Fine Arts and Domestic
Science. Includes designs for interiors in the study of furniture,
textiles and interior finishes. Brief history, periods and interior
architecture included. No knowledge of drawing required.

Daily, from 4:30 to 5:30. Miss Barringer, Mechanical Laboratory,
Room 1.

School in Art.—See Art.

Certificate Credit.—Summer School Professional Certificate—Advanced
Grade—Drawing 2, 3, and 4; Summer School Professional
Certificate—High School Grade—Drawing 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7; Professional
Grammar Grades Certificate—Drawing 2, 4, 6 and 7; Professional
Primary Grades Certificate—Drawing 1. Sections I and II.