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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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0 occurrences of drunkard and westminster
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Epigram. [Wrastler]

Wrastling is held a Manly exercise,
A Game Olimpick, both for Praise and Prize:


But hee that is most Skilfull, Strong or Tall,
And Wrastles with the Wine, shall surely Fall.

Epigram. [Windemill]

No Meale-mouth'd Miller Keepes this Mill I know,
And let the wind blow either high or low,
Hee's kindly taking Toll, and at his Mill
Is Wine exceeding good, and Welcome still.


Besides these Tavernes before mentioned, there are foure Houses in London that doe sell Rhennish Wine, inhabited onely by Dutchmen; namely,