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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


Louis Cazamian, “La Notion de retours périodiques dans
l'histoire littéraire,” Essais en deux langues (Paris, 1938),
pp. 3-10; idem, “Les Périodes dans l'histoire de la littérature
anglaise moderne,” ibid., pp. 11-22. Harry Hayden Clark,
ed., Transitions in American Literary History (Durham, N.C.,
1953). Herbert Cysarz, “Das Periodenprinzip in der Litera-
turwissenschaft,” Philosophie der Literaturwissenschaft, ed.
E. Ermatinger (Berlin, 1930), pp. 92-129. Claudio Guillén,
“Second Thoughts on Currents and Periods,” The Disci-
plines of Criticism,
eds. P. Demetz, T. M. Greene, and Lowry
Nelson, Jr. (New Haven, 1968), pp. 477-509. J. Hermand,
“Über Nutzen and Nachteil literarischer Epochenbegriffe,”
Monatshefte, 58 (Madison, 1966). Uri Margolin, “The Prob-
lem of Periodization in Literary Studies,” Hasifrut, 2 (Tel-
Aviv, 1969); English summary on pp. 269-70. Richard
Moritz Meyer, “Prinzipien der wissenschaftlichen Period-
enbildung,” Euphorion, 8 (1901), 1-42. Josephine Miles,
“Eras in English Poetry,” PMLA, 70 (1955), 853-75. J. M.
Ritchie, ed., Periods in German Literature (London, 1966).
Le Second Congrès international d'histoire littéraire,
Amsterdam, 1935: les Périodes dans l'histoire littéraire de-
puis la Renaissance; Bulletin of the International Commit-
tee of the Historical Sciences,
9 (1937), 255-398. H. P. H.
Teesing, Das Problem der Perioden in der Literatur-
(Groningen, 1949). René Wellek, “Periods and
Movements in Literary History,” English Institute Annual,
(New York, 1941), pp. 73-93. Benno von Wiese, “Zur
Kritik des geisteswissenschaftlichen Periodenbegriffes,”
Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und
11 (1933), 130-44.

On Generation in Literary History, see: Julius Petersen,
“Die literarischen Generationen,” Philosophie der Litera-
ed. E. Ermatinger (Berlin, 1930), pp.
130-87. Henri Peyre, Les Générations littéraires (Paris,
1948). Wilhelm Pinder, Das Problem der Generation (Berlin,
1926). Eduard Wechssler, Die Generation als Jugendreihe
(Leipzig, 1930).


[See also Ancients and Moderns; Classification of the Arts;
Criticism; Evolution of Literature; Gothic; Periodization
in History;