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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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43 Of a womans kindnes to her husband.

One that had liued long by lewdest shifts,
Brought to the Court that Corne from cockle sisis,
Starchamber, that of Iustice is the mirror,
Was senten'st there, and for the greater terrour,
Adiudged, first, to lye a yeere in fetters,
Then burned in his forhead with two letters,
And to disparage him with more disgrace,
To slit his nose, the figure of his face.

The prisoners wife with no dishonest mind,
To shew her selfe vnto her husband kind,
Sued humbly to the Lords, and would not cease,
Some part of this sharp rigour to release.
He was a man (she said) had seru'd in warre,
What mercy would a Souldiers face so marre?
Thus much said she: but grauely they replied,
It was great mercy that he thus was tried:
His crimes deserue he should haue lost his life,
And hang in chaines. Alas, repli'd his wife,
If you disgrace him thus, you quite vndoe him,
Good my Lords hang him, pray be good vnto him.