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[Though I am young, and cannot tell, ]

Though I am young, and cannot tell,

The Song. Which while Karolin sings, Aeglamour reads.

Either what Death, or Love is well,
Yet I have heard, they both beare darts,
And both doe ayme at humane hearts:
And then againe, I have beene told
Love wounds with heart, as Death with cold;
So that I feare, they doe but bring
Extreames to touch, and meane one thing.
As in a ruine, we it call
One thing to be blowne up, or fall;
Or to our end, like way may have,
By a flash of lightning, or a wave:
So Loves inflamed shaft, or brand,
May kill as soone as Deaths cold hand;
Except Loves fires the vertue have
To fright the frost out of the grave.