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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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November 30th. Saturday 1805.

Some rain and hail with intervales of fair weather for 1 and
2 hours dureing the night and untill 9 oClock this morning at
which time it cleared up fair and the sun shown, I send 5
men in a canoe in the Deep bend above the Peninsulear to
hunt fowls, & 2 men in the thick woods to hunt Elk had all our


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wet articles dried & the men all employed dressing their skins,
I observe but few birds in this countrey of the small kinds
great numbers of wild fowl, The large Buzzard with white
under their wings Grey & Bald eagle large red tailed hawk
ravins, crows, & a small brown bird which is found about logs
&c. but fiew small hawks or other smaller birds to be seen at
this time Snakes, Lizzards, Small bugs worms spiders, flies,
& insects of different kinds are to be seen in plenty at this
time. The squar gave me a piece of Bread to day made of
some flower she had cearfully kept for her child, and had unfortunately
got wet. The hunters killed only 3 hawks, saw 3
Elk but could not git a shot at them, The fowlers, killed
3 black ducks, with white sharp bills, a brown spot in their
foward, some white under the tail, which is short, and a fiew
of the tips of the wing feathers white, Their toes are long
seperated and flaped, no craw, keep in emence large flocks in
the shallow waters & feed on Grass &c. Several men complaining
of being unwell to day. a Broock comes in to the bend
above the 1st point above. and a river falls in the next nitch
above this river is small. I observe rose bushes Pine, a kind
of ash a species of Beech and a species of Maple, in addition to
the pine Lorrel and under groth common to the woods in this
Lower Countrey the hills are not high & slope to the river