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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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The Word of God was thus declar'd by thee,
O Son of Cushi, Heaven-lov'd ZEPHANIE!
Nothing that moves shall my just Wrath withstand,
I'll sweep the Sea and Air, and sweep the Land:
Vain Idols with their Worshippers shall fall,
Nor Dagon shall escape, nor thund'ring Baal.
The Name of Chemarim shall be no more,
All who the glitt'ring Host of Heav'n adore,
Who have by me, alike, and Moloch sworn,
Who curs'd Apostates from my Altars turn;
Whose Wealth, or Pleasure is their God alone,
Who serve too many Gods or serve not one;


All, all shall die and perish from the Land,
The Day of God, the dreadful Day's at hand;
Jehovah has prepar'd his solemn Feast,
Already bidden every trembling Guest:
Princes alike, and Peasants great and small,
These for Deceit, and those for Pride shall fall.
Mercy of Heav'n! what Shrieks, what Noise of War,
What dismal Yells invade us from afar!
What crashings from the Hills and Gates are heard!
He comes, he comes, his Vengeance is prepar'd,


He comes with Flaming Torches rais'd on high,
To search for those who his just Wrath defie,
Those Wretches who his Providence deny.
A Day of Wrath, of Trouble and Distress!
Of Desolation, Darkness, Gloominess!
Heark how the clanging Trumpets brazen Sound,
Does from the Walls and lofty Tow'rs rebound!
The Walls and lofty Tow'rs shall strike the Ground.
What Ravage Sin has made in human Kind!
They grope at Noon, and stumble like the Blind:
Their Blood is in the Streets like Water shed,
Their Fields, like Dung, with Carcasses are spred.
The glitt'ring Ore from distant Tarshish sought,
And cross the Seas in dang'rous Voy'ges brought;
Or rough, or vex'd in Mints and purging Flame,
And forc'd to wear its Master's Stamp and Name,
Despis'd and trampled in that wrathful Day,
When none shall for his Life a Ransom pay:
Gaza and Ashkalon a Desart then,
Nor Ekron more shall know the Steps of Men:
The warlike Crethites shall be captive led,
And peaceful Flocks in their strong Mansions fed:
Moab and Ammon, who my Land revile,
Like Sodom and Gomorrah's cursed Soil;
Chemosh and Milcom then in vain shall frown,
In vain shall lean their hungry Nostrils down:


No grateful Smoak of Incense more shall rise,
No fuming Odour from the Sacrifice:
The Lord himself shall reign from Shore to Shore,
And Islands yet unknown, his Sov'reign Pow'r adore.