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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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“Or does that ‘Will Divine’ in fact
As in this world we see it act—
Permitting Evil—prove thereby
Our standard false, that ‘Love’ a lie?—
Long since we learnt one true reply.
For own—the Will Divine must be
Denoted by some power at least
Of overmastering energy,
Throughout the Universe we see
Or that we see not; one whose sway
Is active—in the ascendant—free—
Ever increasing and increased;
Not one that flourish how it may—
Is worsted—weaker—giving way.
In the material World, we know,
Though Action and Re-action show
Equal and needed both; although
Both motion and inertness seem
Balanced—essential to the scheme;
Yet so-called Matter, in the last
Result of that harmonious strife,
Is whirled into victorious life;


Resistance in the glorious sum
Of things, is overborne, surpassed—
If still renewed, is still o'ercome.
Well, what results is what is willed—
The intended—that which is fulfilled.
So in the moral World—the Good
Is counteracted and withstood
By Evil; yet this last, 'tis clear
(The matter of the moral sphere)
Is found, as the long centuries roll,
Still more and more subdued—outdone;
Of those two forces, on the whole
The losing and the lessening one.
Although the contest ceases never,
Though nothing may the two dissever,
Though Evil may the stuff supply
Good works on—here has being by;
Yet, as Time flies, who can deny,
For guerdon of the World's endeavour,
Good triumphs—there is Progress ever!—
No doubt, the single Will Divine
Decrees and works both powers; as, when
A rower directs a pair of sculls,
With one hand backs, the other pulls—
Both acts are caused by one design.
So Evil seconds Good; but then
The most triumphant element,
The victor principle, must best
That Universal Will suggest,
Best argue the Supreme Intent.
So even in the World we see,
Good grows—and grows unceasingly:


This Will must therefore be confessed—
As far as our Experience shows,
Or finite faculties disclose
Its working—on the whole to tend
Triumphantly to some great end
In harmony with that high test
Itself first planted in Man's breast,
With this intent among the rest.