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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]
Bastard, Thomas (1565 or 6-1618)
[If I my Pen an higher taske should set]
Liber Primus.
Liber Secundus.
[Thou which deluding raisest vp a fame]
Epigr. 2. In Porum.
Epigr. 3.
Epigr. 4. Ad Henricum Wottonum.
Epigr. 5. In hospitem quendam.
Epigr. 6. De mensæ Iannarii quæ fuit an: do. 1595.
Epigr. 7. In Lætum.
Epigr. 8.
Epigr. 9.
Epigr. 10.
Epigr. 11.
Epigr. 12. In Zoilum.
Epigr. 13. In Cacum.
Epigr. 14. Epitaphium barbæ cuius erat Psillus.
Epigr. 15.
Epigr. 16. Ad Lectorem.
Epigr. 17. Ad Aulicos.
Epigr. 18. In inuidum.
Epigr. 19. In Fœnatores.
Epigr. 20.
Epigr. 21. In Momum.
Epigr. 22.
Epigr. 23. In Misum.
Epigr. 27. In Lalum.
Epigr. 25. In habentem longam barbam.
Epigr. 26.
Epigr. 27. In Lætum.
Epigr. 28.
Epigr. 29. in Papam.
Epigr. 30. Ad reginam Elizabetham.
Epigr. 31. Ad Lectorem.
Epigr. 32. Ad Comitem Essexiæ.
Epigr. 33.
Epigr. 34.
Epigr. 35. In Fortunum.
Epigr. 36. Ad Sextum.
Epigr. 37. Ad Guilielmum Sutton.
Epigr. 38. In Caium.
Epigr. 39.
Epigr. 40. De libro suo.
Liber Tertius.
Liber Quartus.
Liber Quintus.
Liber Sextus.
Liber Septimus
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Epigr. 46. In Porum.
of his grace,
That in his seruice he might haue a place.
He sayde he was of honest occupation.
He could no lye nor false dissimulation,
He knewe no wicked meanes to fill his purse,
answred, he likes him the worse.