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The Christian Scholar

By the Author of "The Cathedral" [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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B. v. 8, 12; B. iii. 11.

“For if we speak as suits the majesty
“Of so great knowledge, sure a God was he,
“Renown'd Memmius, 'twas a God indeed,
“Whence this life's law call'd Wisdom did proceed.
“From waves and darkness Who this mortal scene
“Hath placed in light so cloudless and serene.”...
“As bees leave nought untouch'd in flower-fraught mead,
“So we on all thy golden words would feed,—
“Thy golden words with life immortal crown'd;
“Since thence hath issued forth their glorious sound,
“The terrors of the mind away have fled,
“The Universe's walls cleave o'er our head,
“Through the whole mighty void in vision clear
“The place of Gods and quiet seats appear.
“Which the winds cannot shake, nor clouds assail,
“Nor snow white-falling, nor the beating hail
“Can violate; but cloudless skies around,
“And light itself diffus'd smiles without bound.
“Where Nature all supplies, nor aught draws near
“To lessen endless peace or cause a fear.


“Abodes of Acheron are no where seen,
“Nor Earth to bound their view doth intervene,—
“Depth 'neath their feet extends from boundless height,
“Which the soul views with a divine delight
“And horror, lost at the o'erwhelming sight .”

“They shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it.” Jer. xxxiii. 9.