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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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39 Of Lalus symoniacall horse-coursing.

Pvre Lalus gate a benefice of late,
Without offence of people, Church, or State;
Yea but aske eccho how he did come by it,
Come buy it? No with oathes he will deny it.
He nothing gaue direct, or indirectly.
Fie, Lalus, now you tell vs a direct lye:
Did not your Patron for an hundred pound,
Sell you a horse was neither yong nor sound,
No Turke, no Courser, Barbary, nor Iennit?
Simony? No, but I see money in it.
Well, if it were but so, the case is cleere;
The Benefice was cheape, the Horse was deare.