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From Petrarch: in which the poet laments the death of his friend Signore Stefano Colonna, occurring soon after that of Laura. In the original there is a symbolical allusion to the names of both,—the one as a Column, the other a Laurel.

Fall'n is the lofty Column, and uptorn
The verdant Laurel, in whose shade my mind
Found peace I ne'er again may hope to find,
Though round the heavens o'er earth and ocean borne:
—O Death! how hast thou me of comfort shorn!
My double treasure to the grave consign'd,
Which made life sweet!—and wealth with power combined
Can ne'er restore to soothe my thought forlorn.
What can I do, if fate have so decreed,
But let my sorrowing heart in secret bleed,
My brow be sad, mine eyes o'erflow with tears?
—O Life! so beautiful to look upon,
How, in a moment's space, for ever gone
Is all we toil to gain through many years!