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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Reach'd that but short o'th' Town, they all alighted
Back-passge where (less mark'd) to th' House invited:
That ancient Payr (sound Drest) Thirsander told
Their Rob'd Mischance, concealed tho much Gold,
Would them Reward: whne strait small Parlor there
Clermanthe saw, which cleanly Face did wear,
But now adorn'd by her, prime Beauty shrouded:
So Cinthia doth Masque her Beams o'erclouded;
So Gems and Gold are lodg'd in Eastern Cell;
Bright Pearls contain'd within the simpler Shell:
Good, chearful Hostess found. In Chair repos'd,
Needful; that time, Strong-waters brought, disclos'd


From Christal Glass, for Cordial warmth, support;
To strengthen thence Nature's disorder'd Fort,
Th' Heart's drooping Spirits, Garrison restore;
Prime Body tho, transcendent Temper wore.
Burnt Frankinsence, to precious Ayr consum'd,
Who curled Clouds that meaner Place perfum'd:
Refresh'd the Brain, to Slumbers (last) incline
If might with those more freely then combine.