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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 44. In Brillum.

Brillus tolde such a tale as neuer man
Did heare, or thinke of since the world began.
Tw'as not of murther strange, nor filthinesse,
Nor open wrong, nor secret wickednesse;
Nor legend tale, nor ancient poets fable,
Nor such as parasites do tell at table.
It was nor monstrous lie, nor pleasant fiction,
Nor of affirming, nor of contradiction.
All writers, trauellers, merchants are to seeke,
Yea Iohn deuiser neuer tolde the like.
It was a tale of oaths abhominable.
God was the iest, and our dread Christ the fable.