University of Virginia Library



I thirst.”—St. John xix. 28.

“God has His hell, more awful far than man's
Because it is a Throne
Beyond the reach of earthly bars and bans,
Wherein He reigns alone;
And as none dreams the largeness of that Life
Past tale of human breath,
No wildest vision may reveal the strife
Of that eternal Death.
And I who draw from God this dazzling fate,
Co-sufferer with Him,
Yet would not if I could resign a state
A myriad times as dim;
If every throb of being were a thorn
Fresh added to My crown,
And every gift for universal scorn
Some glory still laid down.
This is the burden and the bitter stress,
The greatness and the grief
Of rule that lies in utter loneliness,
And never knows relief;
The splendour which I am not weak to spurn,
This terrible broad care
Wherewith in secret sorrow I must burn,
The shadow none can share.”