University of Virginia Library


“But the Infinite Echo the Finite could waken
When the Intellect's rockier region it tried—
Can it tempt from that Mystery tones unmistaken
When it calls in the far-aloft forest-recesses
Where the Heart and its finer-winged progeny hide?—
Well—to speak not of ‘Duty’; all ‘Conscience’ impresses;
All the hints and the hopes in the consciousness pleading
For kinship more close with the Boundless and Blest;
Even Science allows that the ‘Energy’ feeding
The Universe-Life and Mankind's at its best,
(Like the meaner blood-life though unconscious, unheeding,
With the life of the Man co-existent, agreeing)
But a lower subordinate function may prove
Of some Life more sublime—a still loftier Being!
But confess, there's no Life we can think of, above
The highest this human can reach at its height,
Save what may to Reason all-perfect unite—
And to Will that could never be swerved from the Right,
The ideal of boundless Benevolence—Love!
Then, as we found betwixt the two—
The Finite and the Infinite—


In mental working—sound if slight
Resemblance—kinship faint yet true;
We might with less of self-conceit
And with assurance more complete
Expect (what seems ev'n requisite
For Nature's harmony alone)
In high emotions of the Heart,
The human Being's nobler part,
A like resemblance should be shown.