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Not only every animal, but every living being, requires, in order to carry on the functions of life, to interchange some of the gaseous elements of its body with gases of the medium (air or water) in which it happens to live.

Another function of extreme generality is that of conveying to all the parts and organs of the body nutritious matter for their growth or for the repair of those destructive effects which the processes of' life inevitably produce in them.

In all members of the highest sub-kingdom of animals (i.e. in all Vertebrata) these processes of gaseous interchange and nutrition are effected by means of closed vessels, along which the stream of nutritious fluid (the blood) is continually carried in a definite and constant course. During some or other part of that course the blood becomes exposed to conditions specially favourable to the gaseous interchange, the blood parting with carbonic acid gas and obtaining in its place an increased supply of oxygen.


This process of blood oxygenation is termed respiration, and the organs which subserve it are termed respiratory or breathing organs. Such organs in man are the lungs. The central organ of circulation in man is, as all know, the heart, which is a muscular organ, divided into four chambers, or cavities.

Fig. 76.—I. The left side; and II. the right side of the Heart of Man dissected.

I. —LA, the left auricle; PV, the four pulmonary veins; cd, a style passed through the auriculo-ventricular aperture; MV, the mitral valve; ab, a style passed through the left ventricle into the aorta; RA, RV, parts of the right side of the heart: PA, pulmonary artery.

II.—RA, the right auricle; VCS, superior vena cava; VCI, inferior vena cava, the styles fe, cd, being passed through them into the auricle; ab, style passed through the auriculo-ventricular aperture; TV, tricuspid valve; RV, right ventricle; SL, semi-lunar valves at the base of PA, the pulmonary artery, through which the style gh is passed; LA, LV, auricle and ventricle of the left side of the heart.

These chambers are called "auricles" and "ventricles," and there are two of each—there being an auricle and a ventricle on the right side and also on the left.

Blood that has performed its nutritive functions, and is therefore charged with carbonic acid gas, is


illustration [Description: Image of page 130. ]
called venous blood, and is conveyed by the veins to the right auricle, whence it passes into the right ventricle, which sends it to the lungs for purification.

The oxygenated, or arterial blood, is returned from the lungs to the left auricle, and hence it is directly transmitted to the left ventricle, whence it is driven through the great artery (the aorta) into other arteries, and so distributed all over the body. The aorta passes downwards in front of the backbone, when it is called the descending aorta. Before turning downwards, however, it gives off great arteries to the arms and head, the carotid arteries carrying blood to the latter.

Now it is very important that the blood should not proceed in a direction the reverse of that indicated, and to prevent such misdirection, or regurgitation, special valves are placed at different openings; these valves freely allowing the blood to flow in the proper direction, but instantly opposing an effectual obstacle to a contrary flux.

The openings of the auricles into the ventricles are guarded by valves, as also is the opening of the left ventricle into the aorta, and that of the right ventricle into the artery going to the lungs.

The valve which guards the entrance into the right ventricle is called tricuspid, and consists of three flaps attached by delicate tendinous cords in such a way as to hinder the tending backwards of the flaps into the right auricle, and so allowing the blood to flow back into that chamber.

The valve which guards the entrance into the left ventricle is called mitral (from a fancied resemblance


illustration [Description: Image of page 131. ]
to a bishop's mitre), and consists of two flaps. The aperture leading from the left ventricle to the aorta is guarded by three crescentric flaps—called the "semilunar" valves of the aorta.

In man the whole of the blood is sent to the lungs for purification during each circuit of this most important fluid, and every organ is supplied with oxygenated blood.

If in any animals the process of purification is incomplete, it is manifestly desirable that these organs of the body, the functions of which are the most important, should be supplied with that part of the blood which is pure. This consideration eminently applies to the brain, the director and controller of the entire body.

Now all birds and beasts without exception, share with man this perfect aeration of the entire blood, the whole of the blood in the classes Mammalia and Aves being purified in the lungs before being distributed to the body.

The conditions by which the frog, at the various stages of its existence, oxygenates its blood and directs the purified stream in the most desirable manner, are curious and instructive.

It is generally known that the lower air-breathing Vertebrates (Reptiles and Batrachians ) have the heart less completely divided than in the higher classes, so that the oxygenated (or arterial) blood and the unoxygenated (or venous) blood become mixed in the single or imperfectly divided ventricle.

It might well be supposed, and in fact has generally been so, that in animals with a heart so imperfectly


illustration [Description: Image of page 132. ]
divided, the blood sent to the lungs would be necessarily a mixture of venous and arterial fluid, and similarly that the blood distributed by it to all the organs and parts of the body is alike a mixture of pure and impure fluid.

In fact, however, this is by no means the case, and in the frog, in spite of the reception into a single chamber of both venous blood from the body, and of arterial blood from the lungs, special mechanical arrangements effect such a definite distribution of the two sorts of blood, that the unoxygenated fluid from the body is sent to the purifying respiratory surfaces (lungs and skin), and the pure oxygenated blood alone goes to the head and to the brain.

For the detection of this beautiful mechanism we are indebted to the careful investigations of Ernst Brücke. [21]

The heart of the frog consists of a right and left auricle (divided by a delicate septum), both opening into a single ventricle. From the latter proceeds an aortic root (bulbus aortæ) which gives rise to three arterial trunks on each side.

The first of these, or carotid trunk (1), ends in an enlargement (a) termed the carotid gland, of spongy structure, which gives rise to two arteries, one the lingual (l), the other (c) the carotid which goes to the head and brain.

The second, or systematic trunk (2) meets its fellow of the opposite side beneath the spine, and thence


illustration [Description: Image of page 133. ]
passes backwards as the great dorsal (in man descending) aorta, giving off arteries to all parts of the body.

The third, or pulmo-cutaneous trunk (3) ends by dividing into two arteries. The anterior of these (r) goes to the skin (which, as we have seen, is in the

Fig. 77.—The Frog's Heart. The ventricle is below s, the aortic bulb is on the left of s, and ends in six aortic trunks, three on each side. The first of these (1) ends in the carotid gland (a), whence spring the lingual (l), and the carotid (c), arteries. The second trunk (2) is the root of the great dorsal aorta. The third trunk (3) ends in the pulmo-cutaneous artery (r), and the pulmonary artery (p), which is shown sending ramifications over each lung.
frog an important agent in respiration), the posterior one (p) goes to the lungs.

The heart itself is of a more or less spongy texture, but the main cavity of the single ventricles opens at its extreme right into that of the aortic bulb (c). In close proximity to the opening are the openings from the right (b) and the left (a) auricles respectively.


illustration [Description: Image of page 134. ]
The aortic bulb is constitutionally divided by a movable septum (Fig. 79, s) in such a way, that the passage on the right side of it leads to the carotid and systematic arterial trunks, while the passage on
Fig. 78.—Section of Heart; a and b, openings of the auricles into the ventricle; c, opening of the aortic bulb into the ventricle.
the left side of it leads to the third pair of trunks—namely, those ending in the pulmonary and cutaneous arteries; moreover, there is a valve in the first of these two passages which tends to retard the flow of blood (v).

The consequence of these arrangements are as follows:

When the auricles contract, the venous blood from the right auricle (RA) is sent into both right and left passages of the bulb, but by the action of the valve (v), and by the structure of the carotid gland, the


illustration [Description: Image of page 135. ]
blood is checked on the right side (ip), while on the left it runs freely into the pulmo-cutaneous trunks (r and p), and thus the respiratory structures receive unmixed venous blood for purification.

Fig. 79.—Diagram of section of Frog's Heart. LA, left auricle; RA, right auricle; V, ventricle; s, moveable septum dividing the left aortic passage lp from the right aortic passage ip; v, valve; 3, 3, aortic trunks leading to p, pulmonary artery, and r, cutaneous respiratory artery; 2, 2, aortic trunks going to form the great dorsal aorta; c gld, carotid gland interrupting the flow of blood into l, the lingual artery, and c, the carotid artery.

As the lungs get gorged with blood, the resistance on the two sides of the septum of the bulb becomes at first equalised and soon becomes the greater on the left side; then the septum is forced over to the left, and the blood, now mixed with pure blood, flowing in from the left auricle, flows freely along the systematic arteries (2 and 2). The obstruction of the carotid glands (c gld) being the greatest and the last to be overcome, the carotid and lingual arteries (c and l) receive the very last of the blood—that, namely, which coming from the left auricle is purely arterial—


illustration [Description: Image of page 136. ]
and in this way oxygenated blood only is supplied to the head, sense organs, and brain. It should be borne in mind that in order to develop this most beautiful and complex apparatus, the coordinate development in due proportion of these beneficial obstructions and checks must have been simultaneously effected in order that their purpose should be duly served. In other words, to account for its formation by an indefinite series of minute happy accidents would seem to require such a successive occurrence of coincidences as to become an improbability so great as to be indistinguishable from impossibility.

So much for the circulation of the frog in its adult condition. Its larval, or tadpole stage, presents us with a series of changes which, though more familiar, are not less wonderful.

In the first place, however—it may be well to describe shortly the condition of the circulation in fishes, where the purification of the blood is effected, not by means of the exposure of the blood to the action of air taken into respiratory cavities of the body, but by its subjection in little places of membrane, the gills, to the influence of air mechanically mixed up with and dissolved in the water in which those gills are bathed.

In fishes, moreover, unlike all air-breathing animals none of the oxygenated blood is returned to the heart for propulsion, but is collected directly into the great dorsal aorta, whence it is distributed to the whole body, only being returned to the heart after such distribution, so that venous blood alone enters that organ.


illustration [Description: Image of page 137. ]
This venous blood is sent out from the heart through a bulbous aorta, whence arise on each side a series of arteries which ascend the branchial arches, one on the outer side of each such arch, decreasing in size as it ascends. (Fig. 81.)
Fig. 80.—Two lamellæ (or leaflets) from the gills of an Osseous Fish, showing the course of the respiratory circulation. s, cut surface of one of the branchial arches. On its upper side is seen a concavity which is produced by the section of the groove which runs along the convex and exterior (here upper) side of each branchial arch. ba, branchial artery in section, giving off the gill arteries (ga) to the adjacent sides of the gill leaflets, whence the blood is distributed in the leaflets; gv, the gill veins which run along the outer side of the gill leaflets, collecting the blood from them by minute veins and pouring it into bv, the branchial vein, which runs up the groove of the branchial arch and has the branchial artery superficial and exterior to it.
Each branchial artery gives off small gill arteries, which run along one edge of each little membranous leaflet or gill, and supply it with minute branches ending in capillaries, in which the blood is purified. There the purified blood is taken up by minute veins which open into gill veins, one of which runs along the opposite edge of each gill to that occupied by the gill artery.


The gill veins pour their contents into branchial veins, one of which ascends the outer side of each branchial arch, increasing in size as it ascends. The branchial veins open into the great dorsal aorta, whence the blood is distributed over the body. Generally the branchial arteries are only connected with the branchial veins by the intervention of the

Fig. 81.—Infero-lateral view of Head and Aortic Arches of Lepidosiren (after Hyrtle). a, œsophagus; b, anterior end of bulbus aortæ; c, common roots of the first aortic arches; d, third aortic arch; e, first aortic arch; f, dorsal union of the first three aortic arches; g, aorta; h, cœliac artery; i, exit of the fifth nerve; k, part of operculum; l, exit of the nervus vagus from the skull; m, branches to oesophagus; n, nerve going to the rectus abdominis; o, nervus lateralis; p, first and hypertrophied rib; q, posterior part of the skull; r, segmented neural spines; s, chorda dorsalis; t, mandible; u, quadrate.
capillary vessels of the gills. Sometimes, however (as in the mud-fish, Lepidosiren) the branchial veins are directly continuous with the branchial arteries.

In the tadpole, while the gills remain fully developed, a condition exists quite similar to that of


illustration [Description: Image of page 139. ]
fishes. Minute vessels, however, directly connect together, at the root of each gill, the branchial artery and branchial vein of each gill. Such a connecting vessel is termed a ductus botalli.

Fig. 82.—The Circulation of a Tadpole in its primitive stage, when nearly all the blood is distributed to the gills; the pulmonary arteries being quite rudimentary, and the vessel (or ductus botalli) connecting together the branchial artery and vein at the root of each gill being minute. a, bulbus aortæ; b, branchial arteries; br¹, br², br³, the three gills (or branchiæ of each side); bv, the branchial veins which bring back the blood from the gills—the hindermost pair of branchial veins on each side unite to form an aortic arch (aa), which again unites with its fellow of the opposite side to form da, the descending (or dorsal) aorta. The branchial veins of the foremost gills give rise to the carotid arteries cc; o, artery going to the orbit; pa, pulmonary artery: 1, 2, 3, anastomosing branches connecting together the adjacent branchial arteries and veins.
Fig. 83—The Circulation in a Tadpole at a more advanced stage, when the gills have begun to be absorbed, the pulmonary arteries to increase, as also the connecting branches (at the root of the gills) between the branchial arteries and brachial veins.
Fig. 84—The Circulation in a young Frog. Here the gills have been absorbed, and the blood passes directly from the heart to the head, the dorsal aorta, the lungs, and the skin.

A minute vessel given off from the third branchial artery, is the incipient pulmonary artery.

As development proceeds, as the gills diminish by


illustration [Description: Image of page 140. ]
Fig. 85.—Diagram representing the primitive aortic arches of Mamma's and Sauropsidans (after H. Rathke). a, common trunk or root, of the aorta; b, b, the two branches into which it divides, and which gives off the successive arches 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which end in c, c, two vessels which again unite to form d, the descending, or dorsal, aorta.
Fig. 86.—Diagram representing the vessels and aortic arches of a Lizard, with the changes induced on the primitive condition (after H. Rathke). a, a, internal carotids: b, b, external carotids; c, c, common carotids; d, d, anastomosis between the internal carotids and the secondary aortic arches: e, e, right main aortic arch; f, f, the subclavian arteries (which give off the vertebral, here not represented); g, commencement of the great dorsal aorta; h, h left main aortic arch; i, i, i, pulmonary arteries; k, k, rudiments of the first (right and left) aortic arches—Nos. 5, 5, of Fig. 85.
Fig. 87.—Diagram representing the main arteries of a Bird (fowl) with the changes induced on the primitive condition (after H. Rathke). a, a, internal carotids; b, b, external carotids; c, c, common carotids; d, root of main aortic arch (here right); e, arch of the same; f, right subclavian (which arises from the anastomosis of the first two right primitive aortic arches); g, commencement of the descending aorta; h, h, left subclavian; i, i, i, pulmonary arteries; k, right, and l, left, rudiments of the primitive aortic arches.
Fig. 88.—Diagram representing the main arteries of a Mammal with the changes induced in the primitive condition (after H. Rathke). a, b, c, carotids, as before; d, root of main aortic arch (here left); e, arch of the same; f, commencement of descending aorta; g, left vertebral artery; h, left subclavian; i, right subclavian; k. right vertebral artery; h, left subclavian of right subclavian; m, pulmonary artery; n, remnant of left primitive aortic arch.


illustration [Description: Image of page 141. ]
absorption, and as their respective arteries and veins decrease in size and importance, each ductus botalli increases until at last we have established the six great continuous vessels of the adult frog.

We have, then, in the life-history of the frog, a complete transition from the condition of the fish to that of a true air-breathing vertebrate, as regards its circulation. The various conditions herein referred to have, however, an important bearing on the question of the first origin of such structure.

All higher animals, even the very highest, have the great arteries when they first appear, arranged substantially as in fishes.

From the common aortic bulb five vessels ascend each side of the neck, and more or fewer of these arteries abort in different classes, the permanent adult condition being arrived at by this circuitous route.

This argument has commonly been adduced as an argument in favour of the descent of air-breathing animals from more ancient gill-bearing forms, and it is not without weight.

Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that the primitive condition, in fishes is that of direct continuity between the branchial arteries and veins such as we have seen exists permanently in Lepidosiren. It is only as development proceeds that each primitive continuous arch becomes broken up into an artery and a vein connected by a network of capillaries.

Now we can understand the series of unbroken arches in higher animals as the relics of ancestral vessels which divided for gill-circulation and were therefore once of extreme functional importance and


illustration [Description: Image of page 142. ]
utility. But how can we understand the primitive unbroken series of arches in fishes? Their utility was yet to come!

The frog when adult has, besides its skin, no breathing organs but the lungs. As has been said before, other members of the frog's class retain gills and aquatic respiration during the whole of life, as for example Menobranchus.

Every one, kind however, whether provided permanently with gills or not, develops lungs, and it might easily be imagined that similarly every gilled-creature which has lungs is also a Batrachian.

This, however, would be a mistake.

The Mud-fish or Lepidosiren, already referred to more than once, is furnished with both gills and lungs throughout the whole of life. On this account it has been reckoned by some naturalists to be a fish and not a Batrachian. Its fish-nature, however, has now been thoroughly established, and thus the probability of the existence of lungs within the class of fishes is also established.

But what is a lung?

A lung is a sac-like structure capable of being distended with air, supplied with venous blood direct from the heart, and sending arterial blood directly to it. Generally the whole of the blood from the lungs goes back to the heart directly, but in one Batrachian—the celebrated Proteus—a portion of the blood from the lungs finds its way not into the heart but into vessels of the general circulation. When there is an air-sac which does not both receive blood directly from and return it directly to the heart—i.e. when


illustration [Description: Image of page 143. ]
there is no true pulmonary circulation— such an air-sac (whether single or double) is termed a swim-bladder, and a structure of the kind is found in very many fishes. The swim-bladder of ordinary fishes neither receives blood directly from the heart by an artery like the pulmonary artery of higher animals, nor does it return blood directly to the heart.

The transition, however, from a lung to a swim-bladder is a graduated one. We have just seen that in Proteus, though blood is returned from the lungs direct to the heart, yet that not all the blood is so returned. On the other hand in another animal, Ceratodus, though blood is not brought to its air-sac directly (which is therefore a swim-bladder and not a lung), yet for all that blood is sent from it direct to the heart.

Ceratodus (or as it is locally called "flat-head") is a fish of Queensland, closely allied to Lepidosiren , and is a very noteworthy animal apart from and in addition to its peculiarly transitional structure as regards its air-sac.

It is, indeed, the last of an ancient race, a species of the same genus (known almost exclusively by its teeth), being found fossil in strata of oolitic and triassic date. It was discovered by the Hon. W. Foster, M.C.A. Mr. Gerard Krefft, F.L.S., Curator and Secretary of the Sydney Museum, first described and figured the animal in 1870 [22] and at once correctly referred it to the genus Ceratodus, which up to that time was supposed to be entirely extinct. Its further determination was effected by


illustration [Description: Image of page 144. ]
Dr. Günther. [23] He has conclusively shown that Ceratodus and Lepidosiren are closely allied, and thus finally brought the latter definitively within the class of fishes, for that Ceratodus is a fish no one questions. It is an animal, however, of somewhat amphibious habits, as at night it leaves the brackish streams it inhabits, and wanders amongst the reeds and rushes of the adjacent flats. Vegetable substances constitute its principal food.

Ceratodus and Lepidosiren together afford the most remarkable evidence of the persistence of the same type of structure in the Vertebrate sub-kingdom. The group to which they both belong reaches back into the very earliest epoch, which has yet afforded us any evidence whatever of the existence of fishes; while the genus Ceratodus seems to have persisted unchanged from the period of the deposition \ of the triassic strata.