University of Virginia Library


The Scene draws and discovers a large magnificent Saloon. Many of the great Officers of State enter in Procession, bearing the Marks and Ensigns of their Dignity—then enter Oroes, with the other Priests —A Throne is raised in the Midst of the Salloon, on which the Queen having seated herself, is surrounded by Azema and her Women. The Satraps are placed next the Throne, with Assures and Arzaces, Guards and Attendants.
Princes! priests! warriors! Babylon's support!
Here by the Queen's command this hour assembled,


To you great Jove's decree shall be reveal'd.
The gods themselves watch o'er this mighty empire,
And now the great, the important day's arrived,
Which they have destin'd shall new mould the state.
He whom the Queen shall deem most fit to rule,
He whom she chuse to share her bed and throne,
Our part is to obey.—Lo, in the name
Of all the magi do I bring that homage
Due to our monarch—prayers, and pious vows,
For her own safety, and this kingdom's welfare.

Ev'n now, my Lords, the Queen shall name your sovereign.
Th'imperial choice can injure only me;
But I was born her subject, and remain so.

Whate'er may be the mystic will of Heaven,
Who this auspicious day directs our monarch,
We're bound t'obey—Swear we then by this throne,
And by the name of great Semiramis,
Humbly to yield to her sublime commands,
To own 'tis justice, to submit in silence.

I swear—and this my arm, and my good sword,
With every drop of blood within these veins,


I dedicate henceforth to my new King,
With that same duty, and that heart-felt zeal,
With which they long have strove to serve my Queen.

We wait the will of Heaven, and our Sov'reign.

Princes, and ye most holy priests, attend.
If now for more than fifteen years the world,
Fill'd with my glories and my great exploits,
Has seen, and has rever'd, the sword and scepter
Placed in a woman's hand, ev'n in that hand
Which tyrant custom, and the laws of Ninus,
Had destin'd to the distaff;—if alone
(Surpassing ev'n my subjects' fondest hopes)
I have sustain'd the weight of this vast empire,
Throughout the world victorious and adored,
I've scorn'd t'accept a partner in my greatness;
Yet now this empire shall acquire new force,
Since, in obedience to great Jove's decree,
I deign to give my hand, and share my power.
I might have chosen a husband from the kings
Whose states surround the borders of my realms;
But they're my tributaries, or my foes.
My scepter is not made for foreign hands;
My subjects are far greater in my eyes
Than all these petty kings, which their brave arms
Can conquer and enslave;—therefore this hour
My diadem shall bind a subject's brows.


Say, is there one amongst you who presumes,
Ev'n though in secret, to condemn my purpose?

No, mighty Queen, all must applaud the deed,
And own the wisdom of their monarch's choice.

Belus was born a subject, and his crown
He ow'd to his own merits, and his people:
'Tis by those very rights that now I reign,
And sway a mightier scepter.—I have taught
Full twenty eastern Kings to own your laws,
Nations far distant, and unknown to Belus;
It was for me to finish his great works.
And now, my people, you demand the hero,
Worthy to rule this wide-extended empire,
Worthy his subjects, and the hand that crowns him.

With deference we wait your great commands.

Sages, and legislators of the land!
The oracle of thunder-bearing Jove,
The welfare of this state, the world's great interest,
All these have I consulted; they decree
This union shall effect a general good,
And shed unnumber'd blessings on mankind.
Haste and adore this hero who shall rule ye;
In him the princes of my race revive:


My husband, and this monarch is—Arzaces.

[She descends from the throne, and they all rise.
O perfidy! Arzaces!

O for vengeance!

Trust me, my love, my faith's inviolate.

Just Heaven, dispel these horrors!

to the Priests.
O ye, who sanctify the purest vows,
Now plight our faiths, and join our willing hands.

[It thunders.
Break off these rites, for Heaven itself frowns on them.
Depart we, mighty Empress; on this instant
Seek we great Ninus' tomb, and to his shade,
Strait offer pious prayers, with vows and incense.

[Exeunt the Queen and Arzaces, followed by Oroes.
The Scene shuts.—Manent Assures and Azema, &c.
Gods, is it possible! is this the prince
So warlike, so renown'd? is he confederate
With a deceitful Queen and crafty Priest?
And will they dare usurp the name of Heav'n
To give some colour to their dark proceedings?


Such is their plan; and rest assured, sage princess,
'Tis meet we should compose our amorous broils,
And re-unite these hands, which this rough soldier
Has, by his presence, rudely torn asunder.

Say I should yield, what good shall thence accrue
To poor Azema?

Ask you this, bright maid?
Our mutual strength and pow'r will prove too strong
For this bold youth to oppose—and shou'd the Queen
Vainly presume to uphold her daring ruffian,
She then will feel what 'tis to insult Assures.
But can Azema lose her sex's pride?
Can she forget her youth, her charms disgrac'd?
Say will not this inspire a cold contempt,
And teach her heart to feel its mighty wrongs?

Alas! the traitor takes my lover's part,
And fain wou'd cherish the false hopes he gave me.

Away with love, when love repays it not;
'Tis the mind's sickness, worthy vulgar souls.


Azema, sprung from heroes and from kings,
Shou'd soar above her sex's common views.
Her every wish should comprehend a world;
Empire and universal sway her object?
Such do I bring, such offer to her beauty;
Nay more, the godlike joy of just revenge!

Revenge! ye pow'rs, on whom? on my Arzaces?
Alas, my perjur'd love! ambition may
Cancel thy vows, tho' register'd in Heaven;
Unshaken still, mine shall defy its power.
Be false and safe, 'tis man's prerogative;
But let Azema prove her sex's virtue,
And faith, tho' injur'd, triumph over falsehood.

Curse on the wayward sex, she loves him still,
Nor can my arts subvert her girlish passion.
Then be it so; sure means shall be employ'd.
True politicians first essay to gain
Their fav'rite points by stratagem and cunning;
Yet disappointed, never quit their aim,
But boldly re-assume the road of pow'r.
Come then Revenge! Ambition fire my soul!
At once be all its feelings gratified.
The stripling who has dar'd to brave my vengeance,
This hour shall feel it; and with heart-felt transport


I'll give him death, and mount the throne of Ninus.

Scene opens, and discovers the Tomb, at which are Semiramis, Arzaces, and Oroes.
Yet, Oroes, hold; for wherefore shou'd we pause
To know Jove's will, for what his oracle
So late declar'd. This hand is thine, Arzaces.
And now I charge thee by thy function, Pontiff—
[It thunders, and the shade of Ninus appears.
It is the voice of Jove; he speaks in thunder.
See, the tomb opens, and the hallow'd shade
Of my dead lord bursts forth!—I faint—I die.

Lo where I stand!—look down, O sacred phantom,
Speak, and reveal thy terrible commands.

O speak thy dreadful errand. Art thou come
To pardon or destroy?—
Judge if this hero well deserves thy crown.
Pronounce, I am bound t'obey—

It is decreed
That thou shalt reign, Arzaces; but thou'rt doom'd
To expiate first fell crimes and blackest treasons.
There is a sacrifice thou must perform
Here in my tomb, and to my sacred ashes,


And serve thereby me and my son—be mindful
Of thy dead King, and listen to the Pontiff.

Blest Shade, whom I revere, whose matchless spirit
Inhabits yet, and animates these climes,
This thy strange visitation doth not shake
My soul with fear, but fills it with new strength.
And here I swear to do thy sacred will,
Tho' peril, or the death, await the act.
Speak hero, demi-god—O name the task
To which this arm is destin'd.—

Mighty Ninus,
Suffer thy wife thus prostrate on the earth,
If deep contrition, and if heart-felt sorrow,
If I've not sinn'd beyond all hopes—

But rest assur'd the hour now hastens on
When 'twill be lawful for thee to descend
Into this house of death.

[He re-enters, and the Mausoleum closes.
Haste, Pontiff, haste!
Bid all the magi follow to the temple;
Speak comfort to my people, calm their fears!
My husband's manes yet may be appeas'd,


They favour me since they protect Arzaces.
The gods inspire me, Ammon names your King.
Do present sacrifice, let victims bleed!
And with fit orisons implore great Jove
To bless that monarch he himself hath chosen.
