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The Impostor

A Tragedy

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To them enter Omar, Abubeker, Abdoramen, Hercides, Caab.
The Scene opens and discovers a table with a bowl and chalice.
Health to our friends, associates of the faith,


Chief captains of the host of Heaven, elect
To spread his laws on earth! Sit, sit, my brothers.

Ha! that chalice there—I do not like its sanctity—
I knew a wretch once honour'd with that cup,
Whose following banquet was in Heaven—I fear,
I fear me, Zaphna, thou art not intended
To be a frequent guest.

[Aside, while the rest take their places: they all sit.
Now to consult, how nations, yet unconquer'd,
May soonest be subjected—there's our bent;
First to subdue, and then reform; the purpose
That consecrates our sword!—to this high mission
Let's drink a social pledge—Zaphna, my son,
Take thou the cup of honour—nor conceive
That those of riper years, but greener zeal,
Envy thy proud appointment!—Here, my friends,
To Zaphna the young leader of our arms,
Health, glory, and success—Ha! Traitors—what!
Which of you?—Where's the wretch?—

[Takes the bowl, and Zaphna the cup: as they both lift them to their lips, Mahomet starts up suddenly, and lets the bowl spill, while Hercides dashes the cup out of Zaphna's hands. All the company rise in amazement.
What means our Sultan?

As I held up the goblet to my lips,
Some slave among you took his poniard forth,
And struck it to my heart.

The Heavens defend—
There is no poniard here.


A sudden phantasie!—
Some short indisposition!—Break we up—
We shall soon meet—My friends, farewell to all—
Zaphna, you know your province!—This way, Caab.
