University of Virginia Library

scæna octaua.

Iacob. Rebecca. Deborra.
I were best also to get me into the tent,

That if my mother neede me, I may be present.
But I see hir come forth, and nourse Deborra also,
And bring geare with them what so ere it shall do.

Where is my sonne Iacob? I do him now espie.
Come apace Deborra, I pray thee let vs hye,
That all thing were dispatched somwhat to my minde.

It is happy that Iacob ready here ye finde.

Mother, what haue ye brought? & what things are those?

Geare that I haue prepared to serue our purpose.
And bicause that Esau is so rough with heare:
I haue brought sleues of kid next to thy skin to weare.
They be made glouelike, and for eche finger a stall:
So that thy fathers feeling soone beguile they shall.
Then haue I brought a coller of roughe kiddes heare,
Here she doth the sleues vpon Iacobs armes.
Fast vnto the skinne round about thy necke to weare.
Come, let me do it on, and if Isaac feele,
He shall therwyth be beguiled wondrous wele.

And what shall this geare do, that ye haue brought?

It shall serue anon I warraunt you, take no thought.
Now, throughly to rauishe thy father Isaac,
Thou shalt here incontinent put vpon thy backe,
Esau his best apparell, whose fragraunt flauour,
Shall coniure Isaac to beare thee his fauour.

Mary sir now is maister Iacob trimme in deede,
That is all triksie and gallaunt so God me speede,
Now I see apparell setteth out a man.
Doth it become Esau so? nay beshrewe me then.

Ye may now go in nourse, and leaue lookyng on him.

I go, mary sir Iacob is now gay and trim.

No forsoth mother, this raiment liketh not me.
I could with mine owne geare better contented be.
Iacob standeth looking on himselfe.
And but for satisfying of your minde and will,
I would not weare it, to haue it for mine owne still.
I loue not to weare an other birdes feathers.
Mine owne poore homely geare will serue for all wethers.

Well content thy selfe, and folow my minde this day.

Now the meate by this time is ready I dare say.
Before that with to much enough it be all spilt,
Take thy time, and assaile thy father when thou wilt.

Yea, but haue ye prouided mother I you pray,
That no body within may your counsaille bewray?

I warrant the matter all safe from vttering,
I haue stopped all mouthes for once muttering.
Therfore whyle the tyme serueth, I thee warne,
To slacke when all thinges are ready may do harme.

Goe before, & I folow: but my chekes will blushe red,
To be sene among our folke thus apparailed.