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A Comedy

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Albumazar. Trincalo.
Stand forth transform'd Antonio fully mued
From brown soare feathers of dull yeomanry
To th'glorious bloome of Gentry: prune your selfe, slick;
Sweare boldly y'are the man you represent.
To all that dare deny it.

I finde my thoughts
Most strangely altred, but me thinks, my face
Feels still like Trincalo.

You imagine so.
Senses are oft deceiv'd. As an attentive Angler
Fixing his steady eyes on the swift streams
Of a steep tumbling torrent, no sooner turns
His sight to Land, but giddy, thinks the firme banks
And constant trees, move like the running waters:
So you that thirty yeers have liv'd in Trincalo,
Chang'd suddainly, think y'are so still; but instantly
These thoughts will vanish.

Give me a Looking-glasse
To read your skill in these new Lineaments.

I'rather give you poyson: for a glasse
By secret power of crosse reflections,
And Optick vertue, spoyls the wondrous work
Of transformation, and in a moment turns you.

Spight of my skill, to Trincalo as before,
We reade that Apuleius by a Rose
Chang'd from an Asse to Man: so by a mirrour,
You'l loose this noble lustre, and turn Asse.
I humbly take my leave; but still remember
T'avoid the Devill and a Looking-glasse.
New-born Antonio, I kisse your hands.

Divine Albumazar, I kisse your hands.