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scaena 3.


scaena 3.

enter Sir Rancefort Bloteface, Sir Petronell Flash, James Selcottage, Sir Francis Caster, Mr Scatterbraine, in Buffe, souldier like, with a flourish.
Sir Ranc.
I told thee (Pet) twould come to this at last,
we must turne souldier, when our cash was gone.

Sir Pet.
what else (brave Ran) but puffe it out amongst them?
Slid had we not a brave life of it, whilst
it lasted welkin?

Will Scatt.
the grand signieur (Pet)
never arrived at such a cape of plenty
to drinke mulld sack, with doxeys plump & deinty.

Sir Fran.
save you my most renowned martialists.
what ready to embarque?

Sir Ran.
—your servants worthy
Sir Francis Caster.—

Sir Pet.
& are you for this voyadge?

Sir Fran.
yes. heeres noe place for mee, my money's gone
and the entaile they talkt of vanish into
contagious ayre.

Sir Pet.
how soe noble Fan.

Sir Fran.
pox on my Brother Hollowheart


W. Scatt.
hees dead sir.

Sir Fr.
I may more safely curse him then. the piles
& all the palestin and Aegyptan torments
light on him stil I say.—

Sir Ran.
o monstrous! whats the matter!

Sir Fran.
why the entaile of all Sir Waries land
was not engrosst.—

Sir Pet.
That was a grosse neglect.

come leave of this discourse. pox on entailes
& tailes too, if they chance for to deserve them!
our Journey now requires our best provisions,
for tide and wind, (some say) wil stay for noe man.
Drawer a gallon of your best canary
that we may drink, before our dutch vagary.

anon anon sir.

Sir Pet.
wel gentlemen; synce tis the unmov'd will
of our propitious, & wel boding starres,
that wee should be companions in this voyadge,
lets seale our friendships in a cup of a sacke
that whilst we have it, none of us shal lacke.

there spoke true Flash indeed.

enter drawer with the wine,
Sir Pet.
then heares a health my worthy friends, unto
our happily intended voyage.
Will Scatterbraine you are to be my Proxey.

Will Sca.
I doe receive it thankfully; (brave Pet)
& doe assigne the pledge, to noble Bloteface.

Sir Ran.
a bono viagio, unto worthy Fran.

Sir Fran.
my best desires attends your happinesse
heere honest James.—

thus I conclude the health. may we nere want chink
to pay our scores, & still command such drinke.

Sir Pet.
thy prophecy is venerable Iago.
enter Sailour.


gentlemen; make all the speede you may; the wind
& tide call for you; & our men are ready
to weigh their anchors.

Sir Pet, & Cast.
avaunt thou son of Neptune; we approach
with better speede, then if we had a coach.

exeunt omnes.