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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XIIII.

The Argument

This Psalme set out
The carelesse route
of sinners obstinate
How far asyde
They wander wyde
which hold with God debate

Dixit insipiens.


The foole hath sayd: in hart astrayd,
that God there is euen none:
In workes they are: corrupt so far,
not one doth good not one.



The Lord casth eye: from heauen to spye,
the trade of Adams broode:
If that as there: some wyse man were,
which God would seeke so good.


But all astray: haue take theyr way,
abominable made:
There is not one: to do well, none
they all from truth decayd.


For throtes they haue: lyke open graue,
theyr tonges haue vsed deceyt:
And vnderslips: theyr poyson lips,
of Aspes the venome beyt.


Theyr mouthes do swim: wyth cursings brim
all bitternes to fyll:
Theyr feete make spede: mans bloud to shede,
they force not whom they spyll.


Destruction: confusion,
in all theyr wayes do ryse:
Of peace no day: they know the way,
Gods feare see not theyr eyes.


Haue they no mynd: in hart so blynd,
in myschiefe how they go?
Who lyke as meate: my people eate,
and God they call not to.


But they shall there: be once in feare,
where nought they feard in deede:
For God is spide: most strong to bide,
wyth iust mans righteous seede.



Where vaynly now: ye mocke and mow,
at poore mans purpose iust:
When he is bent: wyth fast entent,
in God to put his trust.


Who els can speede: poore Iacobs seede,
wyth helpe from Zyon hill:
When God shall call hys people thrall,
reioyce all Iury will.