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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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[Sweet are the breezes that the lovely morn]

September 10, 1800.
Sweet are the breezes that the lovely morn
Scatters around the glories of her way;
Sweet are the sober tints that eve adorn,
And sweet the radiance of the noon-tide day.
But ah! how sweet is Love's enraptur'd sigh!
How sweet the modest blush that dyes his cheek!
How sweet the glancing splendor of his eye,
Splendors that warm, and splendors that can speak!
Mild as the air that breathes the vernal show'r,
Is the soft whisper of the vow of Love;
Soft as the shadows of the floating hour,
Soft as the pearly dew that decks the grove;
And, fair Eliza, if that Love has pow'r,
These heav'nly pleasures shall our bosoms prove.