University of Virginia Library



Everything has an ending: there will be
An ending one sad day for you and me.
An ending of the days we had together,
The good companionship all kinds of weather.
The cross-roads yet shall be where we must part,
We who are soul to soul and heart to heart.
Then one of us will look back to these days,
These days that now we hold so lightly, praise
So little that we often wish them over.
Oh, our lost country smiling past recover!
How heavenly will it gleam to me, to you,
The lost land where there was not one but two!
The darkness gathers: all things have an end;
Even our days together, lover, friend.
But, oh, my darling, lest we die of grieving,
Let us take hold on comfort, warm and living,
That somewhere past the grave's night and the cold
We two shall be together as of old.


Let us take hold on comfort ere that day
When one of us must go and one must stay;
We two who never could endure being parted.
Let us take hold on comfort, golden-hearted,
That lovers meet at last and clasp and kiss
And there are no more endings where that is.