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The Titans

by Charles M. Doughty

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Housewives, in those days, find; of diverse kinds
Of grain, which ripens in Earths field, to glean:
And bray, and to bake cakes upon their hearths:
Or else in clayen pots, (then lately found,
Fired in the bronds;) they seethe and stir this victual.
Mens households eat thereof, with their broiled flesh:
And dwell sith, without fear of Winter-want.
In a new Age, the human kin have learned,
To hew, with mattock, Earth-moulds wilderness ground;
Lies stony untilled, and drinks the rain of heaven:
And seed cast on that broken clod; and reap
The corn which springeth thereof, in Summer season.
Now and such already as hunters were, begin
To keepers be of cattle in wild field:
Herding grown calves of kine, their shafts have slain
Before; and kids and lambs of wild hill-flocks.
Lo, where one drives to pasture an horned troop!
And lately an herdwife skill hath found at eve;
To draw their milky udders, with meek hands.