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A Sonnet Chronicle

1900-1906: By H. D. Rawnsley

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The Angel-Whisper, Peace


The Angel-Whisper, Peace

Now let the fierce volcanic fires of Hate
Fail, and the earth that felt the sulphurous rain
Of war's grim ash, grow verdure once again;
Let Love and Justice, clad in heavenly state,
Sit crowned sole arbiters of loud debate;
There in the council chamber bid the slain
Point to their wounds, and every heart of pain,
Each mother's heart, plead silent, pray, and wait.—
For now from farm to farm is glad increase,
Lambs play, colts run, birds carol round their homes,
Such bluebell Heavens are shed within the wood
That a new wonder fills the children's blood,
And out of blue-green distance, hark! there comes
A soft imperious Angel-whisper, Peace!