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Tasso and the Sisters

Tasso's Spirit: The Nuptials of Juno: The Skeletons: The Spirits of the Ocean. Poems, By Thomas Wade

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“Maiden! Maiden!—thou wast fair
As is the light
That revels bright
Within the stars, when all alone
They commune on Night's ebon throne,
Nor sun, nor moon is there.
“Maiden! Maiden!—when the Moon
Rolls full and high
Along the sky,
A blue flame round her orb doth cling;
But thy young eyes outshone that ring,
And faded, ah! as soon.


“Maiden! Maiden!—flutes by night,
When heard afar
Beneath each star,
Sound soft and sweet and beautiful;—
But thy young voice could sooner lull,
And was as gayly light.
“Maiden! Maiden!—thy young face
Once wore the dress
Of loveliness;
But youth, nor beauty decks thee now,
For cold is thine unrivall'd brow
And faded all thy grace.
“Maiden! Maiden!—Spirits kneel
In grief to thee,
Beneath the Sea;
And as the waters o'er them swell,
Their radiant tears in silence tell
The thousand woes they feel.”