University of Virginia Library



(Affectionately inscribed to Master William Agnew.)


Father, who made all the beautiful flowers,
And the bright green shades of the summer bowers?
Is it the warm beaming sun that brings
The emerald leaves and the blossomings—
Flowers to the field, and fruits to the tree?
—Not the sun, my dear child, but one greater than he!



Father, whose hand formed the blue tinted sky,
Its coloured clouds and its radiancy?
What are those stars we view shining in air?
What power ever keeps them suspended there?
Was it man formed the skies and the glories we see?
—Not man, my dear child, but one greater than he!


Father, from whence came our own lovely land,
With its rivers and seas, and its mountains so grand;
Its tall frowning rocks, and its shell-spangled shore?
Were these not the works of some people of yore?
Owe these not their birth to man's own good decree?
—Not to man, my dear child, but one greater than he!


From God came the trees, and the flowers, and the earth,
To God do the mountains and seas owe their birth;
His glory alone, love, created on high,
The sun, moon, and stars, and the beautiful sky.
It was He formed the land, and no people of yore:
Bend thy knee, my sweet child, and that God now adore.