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Συν Χριστωπολλω μαλλον κρεισσον.

Hope of those that have none other,
Left for life by father, mother,
All their dearest lost or taken,
Only not by Thee forsaken;
Comfort thou the sad and lonely,
Saviour dear, for Thou canst only.
When hell's legions darken o'er us,
Wiles and smiles of sin before us,
When the wrongs we wrought uncaring
Smite us with the heart's despairing;
Souls in sorrow lost and lonely,
Help us, Lord! for thou canst only.
By the days of earthly trial,
By Thy friend's foreknown denial,
By Thy cross of bitter anguish,
Leave not Thou Thy lambs to languish:
Fainting in life's desert lonely
Thou canst lead the wanderers only.


Sick with hope deferr'd, or yearning
For the never-now-returning,
When the glooms of grief o'ershade us,
Thou hast known, and Thou wilt aid us!
To Thine own heart take the lonely,
Leaning on Thee, only, only.