University of Virginia Library

[From East to West his dark wings spread]


From East to West his dark wings spread
Across the lurid clouds full-fed
With thunder rolling dun and red!
His puissant arm raised zenith high;
His falchion flashing to the sky;
The streaming of his golden hair
Mocking the fiery sunset's glare:—
With eyes that fixed straightforward, burn
With doom,—relentless, ruthless, stern—
And seem to warn: ‘Through endless Time,
Think, think of all the effects of crime!’—
Such the form, high Justice pleads,
The power to conquer Evil needs!



In saintly robes that simply flow,
As white as soft unsullied snow
Or blue as skies that cloudless glow:
While cherubs round her swarm and shine
Through golden atmosphere divine;
Her fair arms crossing, lightly prest
Upon her young maternal breast;
With eyes that upward turned adore
The goodness they for all implore;
Or downward bent in pity, say:
‘Think, think of all that tempts astray!’—
Such the form fond Mercy pleads,
The power to conquer Evil needs!