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“All hail, sweet Fancy's ray! and hail the dream
That weans the weary soul from guilt and woe!”
In fancy's bright, delusive hour,
When reason had resign'd her sway;
And fairy dreams had magic power
To lead the pensive mind astray;
To some delightful calm retreat,
With all the lightening's speed, I've flown,
To hold with thee communion sweet,
And live for thee, and thee alone.


Not bound by love's deceitful chain,
Which time can break but not restore;
But by attractions which retain
Angelic souls from parting more.
Who shall describe the pure delight
My heart at such an hour hath found?
The dreams of joy which bless'd my sight,
The scenes of rapture all around?
Embowering shades, surpassing far
Italia's boasted myrtle groves,
Where oft, beneath the evening star,
The laurell'd shade of Petrarch roves;
Through groves like these in thought I've stray'd,
And paus'd, while, gently murmuring by,
Transparent streams sweet music made,
More soft than zephyr's softest sigh.


But there was one, methought, partook
The influence of the heavenly scene;
And soon I found, in every look,
The traits of thy exalted mien.
The verdant myrtle's yielding bough,
With blushing roses full in bloom,
Were wreath'd around thy graceful brow,
And scatter'd far a rich perfume.
A spotless robe of purest white
Around thy seraph form was thrown;
Thine eye, with rapture sparkling bright,
The diamond's lustre far outshone.
And from thy harp, by magic strung,
Flow'd such a soul-enchanting strain,
That fiends, before with madness stung,
In listening had forgot their pain.


Ye shadows hence! beguile no more,
Though sweet the bliss, 'tis dearly bought;
Though strong the spell, its charm is o'er;
Though cherish'd, 'tis with anguish fraught!
But, fancy! though thy powerful spell
Like morning mist dissolves in air,
Hope's soothing whispers fondly tell
Of future visions full as fair;
Of blissful scenes more bright than e'er
Elysium's fabled fields display'd;
Like these so feebly painted here,
But not like these condemn'd to fade.