University of Virginia Library



The Rainbow's and the Opal's light
Seems shining o'er my visions bright;
My dreams of thee, such colours play
O'er my fond fancies, night and day.
Their colours not alone are there,
But there their change too—oh! beware!
I would not wrong thee, nor deceive;
I love thee now—but soon shall leave!
I love thee now—but not for long—
My Love is sunshine all, and song;
And it shall surely fade, and fast,
For can sweet song and sunshine last?


Who can endure a calm at sea,
With no adored variety?
Or those long days the north doth know,
Till worse than gloom the gleams they throw!
No! let me love thee for awhile,
A blush,—a vow,—a tear,—a smile,—
Then free and fain in sooth to range,
Court my still dearer idol—Change!