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XIX. Prayer for the King.

Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long.

If the meek-hearted to the earth is heir,
Refresh'd in multitude of peace divine,
And length of days, by what blest discipline,
Shall we best drink of that celestial air?—
By what calm ways of holy Wisdom share,
Th'eternal sweetness of her Angel eyne,
Who leans on high from the meek Saviour's shrine?
The path of Life will shew—the path of Pray'r.
There filial duty first shall lead thee by
The house of Pride, then manhood's Loyalty
Take thee in hand, her spirit to infuse.
Pray thou with them, imbibe their heav'nly hues,
And they will lead thee to that Palace Hall,
Where God is King and Father, all in all.