University of Virginia Library


To the hall of that feast came the sinful and fair;
She heard in the city that Jesus was there,
She mark'd not the splendour that blaz'd on their board,
But silently knelt at the feet of the Lord.
The hair from her forehead so sad and so meek,
Hung dark o'er the blushes that burn'd on her cheek,
And so still and so lowly she bent in her shame,
It seem'd as her spirit had flown from its frame.
The frown and the murmur went round thro' them all,
That one so unhallow'd should tread in that hall,
And some said the poor would be objects more meet,
For the wealth of the perfumes she shower'd on his feet.


She marked but her Saviour, she spoke but in sighs,
She dar'd not look up to the heaven of his eyes,
And the hot tears gush'd forth at each heave of her breast,
As her lips to his sandal were throbbingly prest.
On the cloud after tempests, as shineth the bow;
In the glance of the sun-beam, as melteth the snow,
He look'd on that lost one—her sins were forgiven,
And Mary went forth in the beauty of Heaven.