University of Virginia Library


Suggested by the ignominious attack on Canada by a gang of Thieves and Burglars.


Britannia! glory of the earth!
Serene, sublime, determin'd stand;
Whate'er of wisdom shows in worth,
Be ever thine, God-gifted land!
Boon of the world, like life and light,
Where Liberty's the slave of Right.


Law, child of Right, still reign in thee,
And Justice, joined with Mercy, smile
Before her throne; Security
Will then reward thy aims and toil:
That, that alone, can freedom give,
For but the safe in freedom live.


Though in their forest-wilds at will,
Th' unbridl'd may careering bound,
Be thine, to law submissive still,
In fenced pastures ever found.
Isle of the free! be thine the might,
That's bold in battle—but for Right!



And never may—oh! never, never—
Thy sons, in error, think the sin—
That power or valour e'er may sever
Honour from Right, or Cunning win.
There is no sov'reignty but mind:
Be thine the reason of mankind.
April, 1838.