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By George Barlow

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Sweet face that gazest down the glade,
Searching the solemn aisles of shade;—
Are past dreams dead, past hopes betrayed?
Was once thine heart a blossom fair,
Laughing within life's spring-like air,—
Is life now over-hard to bear?
Thine eyes are pensive; whither stream
The swift sad thoughts whose wild wings gleam
Across thine heart: what is thy dream?


Ah! was it by some summer sea
That love's bright hand laid hold of thee,
Fast hold,—and thou in vain did'st flee?
And dream'st thou now of waves that broke
Nigh someone's footstep when he spoke
And bowed thy spirit to his yoke?
Or was it 'mid the meadow-sweet
In some soft mossy green retreat
Where thou could'st hear thine own heart beat?
In such spot came the conquering tread
Of love,—who bound about thine head
His tender wreath of roses red?
Are all the roses white to-day,
Now love's frail foot has fled away
And left the woods and seashore grey?


Thou musest surely on such things,
And round about thy spirit clings
A memory whose mere faint touch stings.
A memory of those woods and seas
Wherethrough once lingered passion's breeze
And love's soft laughter; where are these?