University of Virginia Library


XXV. Again Why?

If I say the flower grew,
Must I give a reason too?
If that water is a boon
In the heavy heat of noon,
That the heart is light in youth,
Will you question of my truth?
If I say the hour is sweet
When sunset and twilight meet,
If birds voices I may call
Delicate and musical,
Moonlight pleasant on the sea—
Will you ask how this can be?
If I speak of cold in snow,
Will you crave how came it so?
If I chcerless call the rain
Terrible the hurricane,
Must I give with each a cause
Why the thing was as it was?


If I tell you, you are fair,
Must I add when, how, and where?
Stately mien, voluptuous form,
Eyes so large, and dark, and warm—
Love I these as all men would,
Must I show you why I should?