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A Collection Of Poems

By John Whaley

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To a LADY in Years, who married a GENTLEMAN of a suitable Age to Her-self.

To a LADY in Years, who married a GENTLEMAN of a suitable Age to Her-self.


Charm'd with the Theme no venal Muse essays
To sing your Wisdom in instructive Lays;
Let giddy Youth the treach'rous Sallies prove,
Of Feav'rish Transports, and Romantic Love:
'Tis yours to choose by Reason,—yours to show,
What solid Joys from gen'rous Friendship flow.
Crown'd by your prudent Match each Year shall roll,
Profuse of Bliss, perfective of the Soul;


Till hoary Age shall ask a new abode,
And Angels guide your flight to Friendship's God.