University of Virginia Library



Standing in deep amazement wild
With rapt'rous pleasure mix'd, he saw th'enormous force,
Saw the valour of his child:
And fated heralds prompt, as heav'n had shap'd their course,
Wafted round the varied tale:
Then call'd he from high Jove's contiguous region,
Him, whose warnings never fail,
Tiresias blind, who told, in diction sage,
The chief and thronging legion
What fortunes must his boy engage;


What lawless tyrants of the wood,
What serpents he would slay, what monsters of the main,
What proud foe to human good,
The worst of monstrous forms, that holy manhood stain,
His huge arm to death would dash:
How, when heav'n's host, o'er Phlegra's champaign hasting,
With embattled giants rash
Vindictive warr'd, his pond'rous mace would storm
With dreadful strokes wide-wasting,
And dust their glitt'ring locks deform,



He told; and how in blissful peace
Through cycles infinite of gliding time,
When his mortal task should cease,
Sweet prize of perils hard and toil sublime,
In gorgeous mansions he should hold entranc'd
Soft Hebe, fresh with blooming grace,
And crown, exalting his majestic race,
The bridal feast near Jove advanc'd.