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Landscapes in verse

Taken in Spring. By the author of Sympathy [i.e. S. J. Pratt]. Second edition

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Meanwhile th'approving sire and aged dame
Bestir themselves, with all a parent's zeal,
To deck the bridals, and to dress the bower,
Fit to receive whom Eden might admit,
Where Raphael, with the first betrothed pair
Was wont to sit in blissful Paradise
Commission'd from above. The redd'ning west
Announc'd the setting sun, and mellower tints
Painted the firmament: Sirius all day
His flaming car had driven along the sky
With kindling rage. But now the Breeze of eve,
From her cool grotto, ventur'd forth to dip
Her feathers in the rill, and in the air
To take her twilight circuit: as she shook


Her humid pinions, nature felt restor'd
Thro' all her works; for valley, hill, and stream,
Bird, beast, and man, the balmy essence hail'd!
Season of universal calm! all breath'd
Ambrosia.—Ah! what an hour for love—
Now almost wedded love—to steal unseen
From all eyes but their own!—Such sweets to taste,
Walk'd forth Agenor and his destin'd bride.